Hierarchies based on position, power, and wealth no longer hold value. The only justifiable structure is one centered on delivery.
Together with your employees, we can design or realign your organization into a CONTEXTUALLY RELEVANT DELIVERY-BASED ORGANIZATION focused on adding value. Every position, whether manager or specialist, is justified solely by delivery.
Design and activation are intertwined to enable immediate change and ensure accountability for delivery.
Here are two fundamental frameworks to support organizations as they move into the future:
Delivery-in-Context Framework: This framework is grounded in over 30 years of research, drawing on data from five continents and spanning diverse industries and cultures. It ensures that delivery is always contextually relevant.
Mathematical Conversion Framework: This framework translates all delivery and direct support activities into numerical values, allowing for objective evaluation. The mathematics underpin both the design and continuous assessment of relevance and appropriateness in design, processes, and delivery. In this model, mathematics equates to delivery.
The mathematical framework provides transparent, measurable information accessible to everyone, enabling the design of sound, objective solutions and informed decision-making. This eliminates obscure, backroom solutions that lack clarity or relevance to the organization.
We eliminate outdated systems that uphold hierarchies of power, position, and wealth, and implement ready-made support products and processes to ensure your delivery-based organization gains traction quickly.
These include:
Revolutionary Delivery-based Job Evaluation and Grading System - Kontextit Dual Axis Job Evaluation System (KDAX): This delivery-focused approach recognizes that value generation and delivery occur at all organizational levels. It aims to value, recognize, and reward delivery across the organization, breaking away from vertical hierarchies of power, position, and wealth. This job evaluation technology also functions as organizational development (OD) technology, applying the same framework and mathematical principles to weigh both jobs and their structure.
Delivery-based Performance Management: This system moves away from traditional methods that track and reward activities without value delivery. Instead, it focuses on performance that contributes to actual organizational value delivery.
Delivery-based Remuneration: Using KDAX, remuneration becomes an objective and equitable process, laying the foundation for individualized pay.